We are excited about Camp EDIFY this summer and are looking forward to spending a great time with your children. We hope our Frequently Asked Question section will help to answer some of your questions.

Please feel free to give us a call or send an email if you do not find the answer to your questions here.

Why Camp EDIFY
We believe that God wants all children to be whole and healthy in every aspect of their being; whole in heart, whole in spirit, patient whole in mind, and whole in body.  To this end, we are committed to developing within children the capacity and skills to achieve this goal.

Who Can Attend?
Children ages 5 to 13 years old.

How do I Register?
Registration forms will be available on our website or at the camp office at 801 Progress Avenue by the first week in May each year.

Is there financial aid for families who can’t afford the camp fees?
We believe that all children should have the chance to attend camp but understand that financial limitations may stop some children from attending. We can work out a payment plan, we are seeking sponsors who can sponsor a child for a week, two weeks or even a month and are thinking of various ways and means to assist. Don’t leave your children alone at home this summer, please give us a call so we can work with you to ensure that your child experiences Summer Camp!

What are the Camp Dates?
Camp runs for 6 weeks each year
Starts: 2nd week in July
Ends:  3rd week in August

What are the Camp Hours?
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Feel free to drop off your child as early as 8:00 a.m. for freestyle gym activities.

Are Extended Hours Available?
Early Drop-Off (before 8) and Late Pick-Up (after 4:30) must be arranged in advance with the Camp Director.

Please bring your own drinks and snacks daily.  This year, we have included a hot lunch for 5 weeks (bagged lunch on trip days).  If your child does not want to enjoy the provided lunch, please feel free to send lunch with them especially if they have dietary restrictions.

We ask that parents do not send pop with their children to camp but do bring a filled water bottle each day. The best way to provide a safe environment for all children, with or without allergies is to provide a peanut-free environment. Please do not bring peanut butter sandwiches or cookies, and careful examination of ingredients on granola bars, muffins, etc. is required.

What should my child wear?
Please dress appropriately for the weather. Camp will operate rain or shine. Caps are a good idea on hot sunny days. The camp T-shirts are the official camp uniform for Camp EDIFY and are required on trip days (Thursdays).

What Trips will you be going on?
Parents and guardians will be notified each Friday of the venue to be visited along with the cost of the outings for the upcoming week. It is our yearly tradition to visit Canada’s Wonderland on the last Thursday of camp.

When is payment for trips due?
We purchase tickets for trips BEFORE trip days in order to benefit from group rates and to avoid long line-ups on the day of the trip. This way, we can maximize the day for your children.

Please pay your camp fees every MONDAY before you plan to attend camp.
Staff is discouraged from purchasing tickets on the day of the event.

What do you do to ensure safety at camp?
We take every step to make camp a safe and enjoyable place and we are focused on preventing injuries and individualizing all our activities to the abilities of our campers. Each activity is carefully planned to avoid overly dangerous situations and evaluated for elements of risk. Note that all our staff is trained in First Aid and CPR. We are placing greater emphasis on how staff should react in incidents or an emergency to ensure that all procedures and protocols are met.

Swimming – At the pool, the campers are supervised by Lifeguards and there is also a strict staff to child ratio. For our youngest campers, the ratio is 1:2, ie; 1 staff must be in the pool with 2 children.

Our campers are not left unattended. We also have a fire drill once per week so children are aware of what to do in the unfortunate event of a fire emergency.

Where do I drop off my child?
Please drop off and pick up your child at 801 Progress Avenue (Bellamy/Progress).

What do I do when I arrive for drop-off and pick-up?
Campers must be signed in and out at the camp entrance.  Please ring the doorbell for entry.  Children are expected to stay away from the door even if they know the person at the door.

What should I expect the first day?
Please come and meet your Director/Camp Counselors on the first day of camp. Inform him/her of your pick-up plans for the afternoon. If you are not picking up your child yourself, you would have a signed a form listing the names of each person allowed to take your child from camp.  Over time, the Counselor may become familiar with the regular pick-up person; however, due to absences or special events, we cannot guarantee that the same Counselor will always be responsible for your child at the end of the day. Kindly provide ID’s if requested.

What do I do if I need to pick up my camper early?
Please notify your child’s Counselor at morning drop-off in order that your child will be waiting for you at the desired time or call the office before you come for the child.

What happens if I am late picking up my camper?
After 4:30 p.m., we will charge a fee for late pick-up since Counselors must stay later to watch the campers.

What does my Child Need to Bring to Camp?
– Athletic Clothing & Footwear
– Bathing Suit
– Towel
– Filled Water Bottle
– Drink
– Snack
– A bag/backpack for the items
– Hat
– Sun block

What Should my Child Leave at Home?
Anything valuable!  iPod, iPad, trading cards, Gameboys, money, or anything else of value should be left at home in order to ensure the safety of our child’s belongings as well as their safety and participation in group activities.

My child does not want to participate in a particular activity?
All campers are encouraged to participate in all activities. Camp EDIFY is committed to the development of the campers’ life skills through group activities and exposure to diverse athletic and educational experiences.

If a child is feeling unwell, the Administrative office will contact you regarding next steps if we cannot encourage a camper to participate.